Review of Nightwatch

Nightwatch (1997)
Dire thriller which thinks black bin liners create atmosphere
21 June 1999
Any great expectations you may have for this film begin to fade after 20 minutes. The director succeeds in creating a fine eerie atmosphere with shots that linger just long enough to make you expect something to happen, and does nothing with it. The film soon throws away any attempt at a decent plot and unravels under it's own pseudo intellectualism. Ewan McGregor smirks so much (probably at his attempt at an american accent, Sean Connery anyone?) you think he's just walked off the set of Trainspotting with a stash of drugs. Nick Nolte hams his way through every scene looking like a part time drag queen and Josh Brolin seems to be lost in his characters confusing mood swings. As for the women in the film, they seem to lack any substance at all and are very one dimensional. The film fails in sustaining any interest, it skips over all of it's gaping plot holes and has an ending which is very unfulfilling.
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