Ruination of a Terrific Story
6 January 2003
Okay. There were too many characters in the book, too many plot twists and (sadly) too much thinking required on the part of the audience to make a movie of the story as written by Raskin. But why oh why rewrite the whole thing from start to finish? Why make Angela a witchy debutante instead of the goody-two shoes she had been forced to become? Why did Grace Wexler promptly become an interior designer (which is what she wanted to be in the book and instead, she became a restaraunteur while Mr. Hoo became an inventor)? Why throw out Flora (who became a true mother figure to Turtle when it became clear that Grace was the worst mother on record) to pair Turtle with Chris (who was originally partners with Angela's fiance, Dr. Deere)? Why completely subvert the whole premise of Sam Westing's game which was to release Crow from her misguided suffering and free her to live life to the fullest--not to punish her for past misdeeds? The whole story became just another run of the mill kid flick with characters from central casting--no depth, no personality, no nothing.

Someone, somewhere, PLEASE, read the book and make us a far better movie than this mess. Yes, the book was tough to read because of the shifting viewpoints, but this mess cut out all the need to think, inquire or analyze. What a disaster!
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