All computer F/X and no comedy!
17 March 2002
Boy, I can hear those producers right now: "That's great, a movie-version of My Favorite Martian... That calls for computer FX! Get me those CGI-people!"

The writers: "Well, we were hoping that the story..."

The Producers: "Yes, yes, yes! But enough with the story, GET ME COMPUTER FX!!! GOTTA HAVE LOTS AND LOTS OF FX!!! KIDS WILL LOVE IT!!!"

And thus yet another charming 60's TV-show was mutilated by Hollywood.

This movie version is so loaded with pointless F/X they left no room for a story, not to mention comedy! All though Jeff Daniels and Christopher Lloyd try their best the story just ISN'T FUNNY. Not to mention that dreadful ZOOT-character voiced by Wayne Knight: it ranks as one of the most annoying film characters off all time, alongside the infamous Jar Jar Binks.

One plus worth mentioning: the star of the original show, Ray Walston, turns up and he is in surprisingly good form.
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