I enjoyed this film there were some nice touches in it
18 July 1999
I watched this film on video at home and really enjoyed it. It is not available in the UK so I got an NTSC version sent over from the states. Many other people have commented on how like Bonnie and Clyde and Butch Cassidy it was. The film it reminded me of was The Sting. On the whole I enjoyed the performances of all the actors but was particularly surprised by Dwight Yoakam. There were two particular moments of his performance that struck me. One being the first view we got of the Nitro and the little comments about Avis liking it kept under the bed. The other being when a bottle of nitro falls from his pocket in the train, he catches it with his foot. This man can act as well as sing! His delivery of the lines and his facial expressions were good. I totally believed in the geeky character Dwight Yoakam portrayed. I saw him in Sling Blade and was impressed but had not seen any other performances so how could I judge? Time to start listening to his music I think. I felt the story began to wander towards the end of the film and I have seen better. Mind you I have seen a lot worse! Not a bad night's entertainment.
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