Review of Bruno

Bruno (2000)
Moderately entertaining, but what's the point?
11 October 2002
Is this movie supposed to bring out some sort of message? That little boys should feel free to wear dresses? If I had a son, I'd be ticked off at him for wearing a dress. The movie tries to make a point by saying that all great figures throughout history wear or wore dresses: the pope, the Dahli Lama, Jesus. A robe is much different from a dress. Because the Pope wears a robe doesn't give a little boy the right to wear a pink sequined dress.

Now, I didn't hate this movie. It's hard to hate a movie like this. The cast is great. Gary Sinise is one of my favorite actors, and I was excited to see his name pop up in the credits. Kathy Bates (another one of my favorites) has some hilarious moments as the foul-mouthed, New York-accented nun who sneaks a cigarette when her students aren't looking. Alex D. Linz is a fine young actor and Shirley MacLaine has some amusing moments when she actually shows up on screen (after the first half).

I haven't read the other user comments yet, but I can predict what 50 percent of them have written: It's a cute family comedy. Well, it is somewhat cute and possesses the standard schmaltz of a family movie, with people landing in the hospital left and right. But there's a surprising amount of foul language for an alleged "family film."

I never went to a strict Catholic school, but I'm pretty damn sure the kids aren't allowed to run amok like they do in this film. I mean, come on! You get your butt paddled for chewing gum in schools like that! How can they get away with trampling on a little kid, screaming out obscenities and racial slurs and throwing eggs at passing cars? I can imagine the students from Joe Clark's school watching this film and saying, "That's too much." If anybody who works at a strict Catholic prep school can prove me wrong, please send me a private message, but I'm quite sure the portrayal is hugely innacurate.

"Bruno" is a harmless film with good performances and a good deal of originality, but it had very little impact on me. I wasn't crying, I wasn't enlightened. It didn't change my mind about boys wearing dresses. If a boy wants to wear a dress, he can turn gay and become a drag queen. But if you like girls--you don't wear dresses!

My score: 6 (out of 10)
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