If you're looking for story, don't waste your money
15 June 2001
While I eagerly anticipated the release of Tomb Raider, I walked out of the theater utterly disappointed. To sum up the experience for the entire audience, the man behind me said, "Thank God I didn't have to pay for this." (I was at a Sneak Preview). If you're going to enjoy a good story á la Raiders of the Lost Ark, don't get your hopes up. There are few elements of story that are even remotely intruiging. It's as if a ten year old came up with it. While the stakes seem monolithic in scope, they are so underdeveloped and trite that we as an audience find ourselves looking at our watches rather than caring. The characters are archetypical and underdeveloped, and furthermore, there are several completely useless characters.

I will say this much, however. If you're going to see Angelina Jolie, this is the right flick for you. She is perfect for this part - charismatic, powerful, versatile, and above all, HOT. This film is nothing more than a pleasurable visual spectacle. So if you're willing to pay $8 to see some virtual T&A, more power to ya.
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