an altogether well-made film
9 May 2003
So I'm visiting my brother's house bored to tears and channel-surfing like crazy. All of the sudden, i catch Thick as Thieves coming on. I had never heard of it and the intro was pretty quirky, so i gave it a shot. This movie is one of those best-keep-secrets that most people don't notice. It's not a comdey per se, and not really an action or a Tarantino-esque movie, it kind stands in its own class. The situations the characters get in and out of are humorous-- not "LMAO" funny, just amusingly funny wry. The pacing, casting, the characters, the acting and direction are all top notch and very well fleshed out. So far, anyone i've personally recommended Thick as Thieves to has enjoyed. Hopefully you will, too.
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