31 July 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers herein.

This collection has provided some of the deepest cinematic journeys I have had. And to think: these are over a century old, are less than a minute each and had almost no prior films to borrow from. I contend that films these days draw their matter much more from other films than `real' life. That certainly cannot be said of this crew, who invent more than just the machinery.

These very first films were also the very first selfreferential films. They depict the boss. They depict crowds watching. They depict films being made and shown. `Depict' is a carefully chosen word here.

If I saw these when new, I believe I may have dropped everything and joined the community. This must have been lifealtering for many. It is also one of the last times that a French artist (excluding Grillet) had anything interesting to say. Absinthe burnout, y'know.

I had to keep playing the painted dancer over and over again. This is one of the most mindblowing experiences I have ever had.

Ted's Evaluation -- 4 of 3: Every cineliterate person should experience this.
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