A Space Tragedy
29 October 2001
A yet another Leslie Nielsen movie. I've always enjoyed his movies since they had an ability to make one laugh... hard. But, lately something has started to go wrong. His last movies were not funny at all. It may be because of Nielsen's age or because of directors presumption that having Leslie in his movie will guarantee a success. Although he tries to make the movie work it fails completely. Moments where you will catch yourself smiling (not laughing) can be counted with one hand and the whole plot fails in the middle of the movie where it is being turned into a boring and long theater scene. The whole idea about having Nielsen play a Magoo like character has failed miserably because it's not funny anymore - this time dear old Leslie doesn't have to play, he simply is old!

Also the FX in this movie don't seem to work well. Although you might think they don't have to for a comedy. But in the case of this movie it's different. The authors tried to use CG but 90% of the time it simply looks fake and stupid, not funny.

So, for me the movie is a complete failure. They would have done better hiring some good script writers instead of trying to use the same old tricks with the same OLD guy.
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