Assault on Death Mountain (1999 TV Movie)
One of the best movies to watch with friends!
26 August 2000
My friends and I just love to rent "bad" movies (good "bad" movies mind you) and watch them a'la MST3K. This is by far one of the best ones on Earth. If you rent this for anything other than a laugh you are a complete idiot. It has crappy plot, the action is just stupid (it's a chuck norris type of running in with a gun and killing a million people) and the acting...well let me just say "Hulk" and "good acting" should never be in the same sentence, nay the same PARAGRAPH.

If you have some quick witted friends and want to make fun of a movie you can not go wrong with this movie. I loved how it started out for pure BEATING (a word we used quite often to refer to mr. Hulk) value. They were on a mission to get a girl, Hulk beat some stuff, some guys shot at them, Shannon Tweed (we used the word "softcore" a lot when referring to her) got in a badly choreographed cat fight (note: I loved the scene where she was choking and she had no expression on her face...I'm sure they got her for her acting ability really).

This movie ranks up there with Ninja Vs. Mafia (although Ninja Vs. Mafia is still THE BEST.
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