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9 March 2001
A can't-take-your-eyes-off-him performance from Samuel L. Jackson (along with welcome cameos from Anthony Michael Hall and Ann Magnuson) is overshadowed by a silly murder mystery plot. The trailers, posters, even the film's tagline ("The view is incredible") leads one to expect an in-depth character study. But instead of being the film's focal point, the Caveman is merely another 2-dimensional figure thrown into a cliched whodunit. The audience is left with little more than scant glimpses into this character's world, revealed through imaginary conversations, stark lighting, and winged figures that dance through his thoughts. (Complete with shaky hand-held camera moves and rapid-fire edits so you can't miss that it's a metaphor for something else.) What I had hoped to see was an intriguing character explained: what made him the way he is, why he believes the things he believes, etc. What I got was Columbo Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.
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