One of the best films ever seen
31 October 2003
"Cavemans Valentine" is one of the best psychological portraits i've ever watched. And i've watched a lot of them, since i love that type of film. Jackson does a excellent part, taking the viewer through the mind and thoughts of a schizophrenic. Never before have i seen an actor play a role, the way Jackson does here. You feel like being able to follow his twisted mindgames, although you sometimes can't be sure what is real and what's not. I like Jackson as an actor before, but now i have to admit, that i've always underestimated him. His performance is just incredible. The way he acts, you feel like every little part of this character is just as real as he is. To all the people out there, who haven't seen this movie: Watch it, or you don't know what excellent acting is!
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