Grizzly Falls (1999)
A touching fear-fest for the dumb at heart
3 March 2003
This movie should come with a warning label: WARNING: DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES ATTEMPT TO VIEW IF YOUR IQ IS ABOVE 80!

It's a nauseatingly special Lifetime-esque movie about a boy and his father who attempt to heal their relationship by hunting grizzly bears together. The motherless boy first establishes some kind of psychic connection with a mother bear and her cubs, and when the cubs (conveniently the same pair) are later trapped by the party of hunters, the mama grizzly (wait for it, folks)... takes her revenge by kidnapping the boy! She hauls him through the forest, bonding with him and apparently intending to raise him as her own, while his father tries to track them.

I like Bryan Brown. He's an actor who's been in many fine productions, and a lot of really lousy ones. But of all the horrible things he's ever been in, I believe this has to be the worst. This film has absolutely NO good points whatsoever! The fact that there are people insane enough to say it does says a lot about the dumbing down of America.

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