Review of Gen-X Cops

Gen-X Cops (1999)
Back to the basics, with a hefty dose of the new
19 April 2000
After sitting through a year of American films trying to copy Hong Kong-style action, it was with great enthusiasm that I went to the Fanime 2K convention in San Jose and witnessed some of the greatest action films that were swept under the rug by the "big HK boom" of 1998-1999. Incuded among those was Gen-X Cops.

Gen-X Cops, while not the best in any specific genre, is a must-see if you're ready to jump into Hong Kong cinema, whether for the first time or after an absence. The action scenes are incredibly clean, having been shot real-for-real whenever possible. The plot has enough integrity to keep the film interesting without boring the audience to death. It's not perfect - the dubbing job isn't the best in the world (the film has a lot of English in it already, and the soundtrack can get jarring as it switches between dubbing and the original language. I watch the subtitled version whenever possible.) and most of the characters are under developed, but it is made up for with reams and reams of classic Hong Kong style. And style is what this film is all about.
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