Jason X (2001)
Jason wakes up on...The Love Boat?
26 April 2002
Jason X is the first Friday the 13th movie I've seen, so long time fans of the series will have to excuse my possible ignorance. The critics, for the most part, are having a grand time taking apart Jason X. I agree that the characters were underdeveloped and the story is predictable, etc, etc, but what did you expect? Nobody in their right mind goes into a slasher expecting great social commentary or Oscar winning performances. This is Friday the 13th, not Schindler's List, people.

The humor is overused, although I did roar laughing at Jason's solution to a certain problem involving sleeping bags- You'll know what I'm talking about once you see it. The major complaint I have is the women's costumes, or lack there of. They just aren't realistic for students and scientists. In addition, it seemed that Jason had landed on the Love Boat in space-- the students seemed to be just a little sex-crazed.

Kane Hodder is great as the silent Jason, and Lexa Doig does a good job in her role as well. The remainder of the cast isn't remarkable, but I guess they were working from a script. As another user commented, the script does go downhill a little, degrading into one-liners and hiding behind a lot of empty humor.

Will Jason X be enough to kick the series into some sort of resurrection? [Speaking of resurrections, be on the lookout for Halloween: Resurrection - I'm willing to bet critics will be equally unkind. Then again, critics are an inconsistent lot] Perhaps it will be. I've heard that Jason X's budget was in the area of 14 million, a rather conservative figure. As such, it won't be too difficult for the movie to turn a profit, unless it bombs miserably, which I doubt. That is to say, I'm certain that the movie will make over 14 million once it's been released world wide. How much it makes will determine the future of the franchise, and who knows...maybe fans will get the Jason V.S. Freddy movie they've been wishing for so long....but don't expect critics to be kind to that effort either.
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