A Vitriolic Masterpiece
21 February 2002
Not too often a film like this comes along. When it does however it demands your attention. Based the cult novel by B. S. Johnson, with Peter Greenaway's collaborator Kees Kasander in production and Luke Haines' of Auters and Black Box Recorder behind the soundtrack, Christie Malry's Own Double Entry lays a claim upon the title of the best English film (almost)no one saw.

Christie lives with his mother, and works in a bank. When he discovers the simple bookkeeping principle of double entries - a debit for every credit - the picture starts to clear: he charges himself for every insult received, and credits society for every insult he returns. His «credit-rate» starts from simple acts of vandalism, and escalate to a magnificent, misanthropic plan. Suddenly, Christie's life finds a shocking new meaning.

Brilliant and unsparing, mordant and seductive, this film is an act of courage on it's own. You might find it too much to take if your view of the world is blurred by Hollywood romantic comedies, but if you give it a chance it might change your life -or at least two hours of it...
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