I Am Weasel (1997–1999)
The evil step-sister of a wonderful show...
15 March 2000
"I Am Weasel" is a spin-off of the wonderful show "Cow and Chicken." "Cow and Chicken" works. The characters are wonderful. The jokes are random and the plots are ridiculous. "Cow and Chicken" is wonderful. "I Am Weasel" at first seems the exact duplicate of "Cow and Chicken," and even has several of the same characters. The look and the feel is the same, but all what makes "Cow and Chicken" funny seems to be missing, and "I Am Weasel" just comes off as annoying. The characters are terrible. The show replaces Cow with a baboon who can barely speak English, and replaces Chicken with a weasel that sounds like he came out of a bad James Bond parody. It doesn't work and just isn't funny. It was funny when it was on Cow and Chicken the first time, because it was so random, but was not at all deserving of an entire series.
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