I wanted to love it...I really did!
6 November 2002
Warning: Spoilers
When I heard this film was being made back in 2001 I was over the moon. The death of Michael in H20 was brilliantly done, but deep down I think all Halloween fans just wanted to see Michael back on the big screen! Who cared about plot I thought, they can bring Michael back anyway they liked for all I cared!!

This was my first Halloween at the cinema so when the music began I was ecstatic! But 90 minutes later I was just so so dissapointed. I'd seen Michael back again, but that alone was not enough I realised, and wished this had never been made.

**(Spoilers ahead)** There were 3 main things wrong with this film-

1) Busta Rhymes (Freddie Harris)...for me this guy alone ruined this film. His character was so fake, his dialogue was pathetic, and his overall acting was atrocious. How could they allow a character like this in a Halloween film, ok if they want to kill him off quick to raise the death toll, fair enough...but as a main character!!!!

2) The death of Jamie- I knew this was coming and I dont think its a secret to anyone, but its the way they did it, making Jamie look like a complete idiot. Ok she wanted to make sure, but who else was she expecting, he'd obviously killed alot of guards to reach her, so even if she did kill him- who cared!!! And her final words- 'see you in hell', call me crazy but don't we want to hear after all her suffering, she's finally being able to rest in the place upstairs, not down below!!

3) All the characters were just truly annoying, you was just cheering Michael on wanting him to kill this irritating character in the goriest way! And when a film gets like this like the Nightmare on Elm Street films did, aren't they just pretty pointless?

I thought they did the 'bringing back Micheal' without too much stupidity, but when you watch H20 you realise how daft it is. In that the poor ambulance driver survived a broken layrnx, going through a glass window, being hit by a van, and finally being crushed. And to top it off after being hit by the van, he did the classic Myers sit up. There were however cool deaths in this and Michael was truly brilliant and looked great. One bit where the director obviously went mad for a while was the scene where Busta Rhymes screams at Micheal. I was enjoying this moment thinking this is it, he's gonna really make him suffer now, and I waited...and waited, before Micheal obeys him! What the hell was that all about!! Overall the whole camera thing works quite well, a little daft but its a different approach. It's obvious 'innocent' Sara will survive but the whole Deckland thing was so lame! When no-one believes the killings are real, the film got stupid, I know special effects are great these days but this was meant to be live, so how the hell would they do it!

As I said before the main reason why I hate this movie is Busta Rhymes, he wasn't funny at all. You knew when Michael stabs him he'll still be alive. But I thought this was building upto a big kill between the two at the end, but I couldnt believe my eyes when it was Michael on the recieving end, not only did we have to watch Busta's awful martial arts, but listen to his pathetic one liners (Trick or treat mother fuc*er), these corny lines should not be in Halloween films!

My only wish is please, please, please kill Busta Rhymes character straight away in the next Halloween, and my faith in the series will be re-stored! Overall I gave this 5/10 coz of the cool deaths, and quite simply Michael's back!!
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