Shadow Magic (2000)
Historic drama wrapped with light melodrama
18 December 2002
This film is loosely based on history of the introduction of motion pictures to China, with a westerner Raymond Wallace, bringing in the format to the country and the shock and fear people had on this new piece of technology. At the same time, it is embraced by a chinese named Liu Jinglun, who has the curiosity for new things. Together, they eventually persuade the people embrace the medium.

It is a light film, with the Liu facing the dilemma of respecting his culture and tradition or embracing the new medium that is so frightening to his people. There is also the side plot of his desire to marry Lord Tan's daughter, but he would have to be rich. His path to richness would also make Lord Tan lose respect for him, since Lord Tan is a performer in the old medium of stage theater and his moving pictures would push that into oblivion. Of course, we end up with a happy ending because the new medium becomes a tool to supplement everything around it instead of taking it over. Which is basically the point of the story. Don't fear it, embrace and integrate it into your environment.

This film does not tackle the subjects it encounters very hard, it uses light mellowdrama and resolve all the issues amicably.

All in all, this film is easy to enjoy, but it will not be mistaken for the fifth generation films that came out of china a decade or so ago.
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