Cutting-edge 'making of' documentary.
2 August 2003
This documentary which comes as an extra on the restored DVD of 'They're a Weird Mob' is quite unlike the 'making of' clones we see served up in the 21st century. We begin with the arrival of Michael Powell - literally - as he steps off the plane at Mascot, Sydney. Ed D, actor and narrator, takes us around the areas to be used as locations. We see screen tests, camera set ups, meet John O'Grady, original author of the book and see cast and crew clown around on Bondi Beach. This is in fact cutting-edge in the days before 'making of' documentaries were the norm. The film, made for TV, has been partially restored itself and is a 'must-see' for anyone thinking of moving into the industry, even though it was filmed over 35 years ago.
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