The most expensive piece of crap in history of movie
7 November 2003
Let me say first that I loved the first Matrix episode. The second one is not nearly as good as the first one but it got at least some memorable scenes. The third one at last is just crap. I think i never was so disappointed of a movie as I was after this one.

What made the first movie so good was the awesome combination of a clever storyline, revolutionary action sequences and a big fat load of style.

All of this points are missing now.

The storyline is just horrible. There are tons of questions left from the second movie (remember the architect? What he said is just ignored with a short line from the oracle...) and the characters they introduced just had no appearance here (Remember the Twins? Remember those "upgraded" Agents?) The movie is put together from a ultra long action sequence in the real world and the big finale fight and some death sequences (I'm pierced by 4 metal bars but I'm still able to talk 3 minutes... yeah... sure) and last and least some "I love you, love you too" sequences. Good news is that the conclusion DOES make sense.

The breathtaking action sequences just miss in this one. We have a overlong sequence of zion defending itself against a S**TLOAD of sentinels with a load of "Aliens" style robots. The problem is that if you didn't like the Neo vs. 300 Smiths sequence in reloaded because it looked computerish you will run out of the teathre screaming this time. Same goes for the final fight between Neo and Smith.

And the Style is just missing. Why? Because the movie plays mostly in the real world. Thousands of sentinels being shot down only to make place for another 5000 is nice in a 5 minute sequence but should not make all the content in a movie. If I want gunfights like that, I'd go and watch some Arnie movies. I want STYLE. Remember the dodge the bullets move?! Or the training sequence from the first one?? THIS had STYLE. A twenty minute shooting-like-mad sequence DOESNT.

And don't DARE to tell me that i don't like the movie because I "didn't see behind the scenes" and stuff like that. You can't save a bad movie with a complex story that will make all fanboys like "if you dont like it you are stupid".

Well anyways I'm sure that most of you guys will watch this movie anyways because its MATRIX (just as I did...). Fearz the powerz of the Hype :-)
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