Sooo frustrating, least enjoyable Bond by far
22 November 2002
Never in any of the previous 19 movies have I felt dissapointed, or bored by the end of the film. Ok some storylines flop, the baddies can at times be pathetic, and sometimes the humour is more cheesy than a lump of cheddar, however I've always got to the end credits with a feeling of satisfaction and eager-ness to the next Bond. But this film just collapsed on all levels that make Bond films so watchable over and over again.

Plot- James Bond's are not renowned for their terrific stories but this one has just been used so many times, mad man, has dream to take over the world, uses diamonds...fails after close encounter. Realistic plots is all we want, like Goldfinger (to x10 his personal wealth with ludicrous plot), The Living Daylights (playing countries agasint each other), and License to kill (simply to sell drugs)...but a second sun which turns into a giant laser...exactly the same as Diamonds are forever and the more recent Goldeneye!! The betrayed Bond aspect was a change and I enjoyed this, seeing him in prison after 14 months gave a realistic approach that James Bond is only human. But after the trade he seems to become indestuctible.

Action- Of course the action is going to be terrific, but terrific action doesn't equal enjoyable action. It was just so boring to watch, stupid dumb explosions, alot of gunfire and stupid stunts! I mean the surfing thing was ridiculous, but the fencing fight was just utterly stupid. Are we meant to believe they were actually going to kill each other, and remember this guy is Korean!...where on earth did he learn to fence fight in Korea.

Gadgets- The one delight to this film was John Cleese playing Q. I thought he was dreadful in the previous film but this one made him look a lot more clever and realistic. However the same cannot be said about the gadgets, they were simply awful! An invisible car?? Need I say more.

Humour- I think this was the main downfall of this film. Nearly every line was trying to be funny or have sexual references. The dreadful lines in Jason X were more humourous than this because it wasn't taking itself seriously. There are so many corny one liners you kinda half lose interest in the dialogue altogether!

Girls- Don't beleive the hype, this film just has your average dumb girl- Jinx Halle Berry), who really is awful in this film and has no charm or charisma about her. Frost was very sexy but of course doesnt turn out to be all she seems.

Bond- Pierce Brosnan does a great job with what he is given, and he's terrific in the previous three but here he doesn't seem like Bond at all. Just a cocky, sly, and rather predictable imitation of the James Bond we all love. He really does just seem like a bit of an idiot in this one and almost like he's lost his touch.

Overall the constant references to previous Bonds to mark the 40th anninversary ruined this film for me, so many moments had been repeated (laser scene- Goldfinger, Halle Berry linked to Ursula Andress- Dr No, going down plane - The Living Daylights, these really are just a few to name. The resulting Bond in this movie is obvious, they've simply tried to make him cooler, more hip and more modern but in my view fail dreadfully. Bring the back the day when James Bond was charming, humourous, realistic and began to act like a true 00 agent like in the early installments.
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