Early feminist propaganda
30 August 2004
This is an early attempt at a Marxist feminist propaganda film. Like most feminist claims the scenario is not credible to the point of the ridiculous. "The Man" is seen in the opening using his wife, the oppressed woman as an actual pack animal to draw his cart. In various other scenes he beats her and uses her as a slave to do all the hard work while he takes it easy.

But in America (the land of opportunity for feminists), the tables are turned on him. His wife (like women throughout our history) doesn't have to use force or violence herself to attain her goal (domination of the man). She enlists the aid of other men to do violence on him and force him in the end to submit to her will and to comply and be the obedient one - "the model husband".

The attempt is to paint feminism as a liberating force for "oppressed" women. However, the ultimate message is that women don't have to commit acts of violence themselves. They will always have dutiful men to do their dirty work for them. In addition, whether they are acting on her behalf or acting against her, all men are depicted as violent by the feminists. A bigoted view of men no matter how one looks at it.
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