Lovely? Sure. Amazing? Not so much.
1 August 2002

There's just not much to this movie. I really enjoy Catherine Keener and Jake Gyllenhall normally, and this film was no different. Other than them, there's really nothing remarkable about this film.

One major grumble- the plot is stretched so thin as to be nonexistent. In fact, I might even go so far as to say that this film has no plot. No character development, no resolution of conflict, no nothing. I would say it's nihilistic but I think that a film has to at least _try_ in order to be considered nihilistic. It's like watching a weird kind of reality show that gets sentimental about its subjects. Maybe that's the tone the movie was trying for. Even if that's the case, I'm wildly unimpressed.

I will say that the trailers before this film were extraordinary, though.
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