Dragonfly (2002)
Turgid after-life thriller
26 June 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Stubborn doctor Kevin Costner is supposed to be a non-believer in the after-life, yet in a flashback sequence right near the beginning, he talks with his wife about what life-form she wants to take after death. You can tell something is definitely off right about here; the picture doesn't know where to aim, and ends up firing at a myriad of targets. There's a bird "who never talked to anyone" but Costner's deceased wife (it later flies amok in the kitchen, with Costner calling out, "Big Bird!"), and poor child actors in a hospital sequence who try to convince Dr. Kevin that they've talked to "the lady" from beyond (seems they saw her in the rainbow and she "flew them back"). It's AMAZING that screenwriter David Seltzer managed to sell this thing. It's even more stunning that Kevin Costner, Kathy Bates and Linda Hunt attempted to make it work; they are overly-earnest in an assembly-line thriller so formulaic we even get the scene where hard-working Dr. Kevin is severely reprimanded for visiting sick kids by the hospital administrator. It's the same scene you've seen a million times before, mostly between a hard-nosed cop and the desk sergeant. * from ****
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