Worst horror movie of the 90's!
8 December 2002
This movie got huge advertising when it was released, I remember 1 quote from 1 of the papers saying 'scariest US film in 10 years.' For this reason alone I couldn't wait to see it. After 30 minutes I thought this is really good and tense. The whole car driving thing had introduced us to the characters, and everything's being set up for your standard cat and mouse horror. Yet I was so dissapointed by the end, the characters we'd come to known, were now just irritating and unlike characters such as Laurie Strode, I couldn't care less if the leading two were killed off. In fact after getting over the shock of seeing the guy dead at the end, it actually became quite hilarious. Was this the worse ending to a film ever? I know happy ever after endings can be ridiculous but at least you leave the cinema with a sense of good feeling. Of cause a sequel was inevitable and obviously coming soon.

What was the coloured psychic woman's use besides to irritate the audience? But the worst part of this movie had to be the actual scary character who you believe to be a psychopathic human like Michael Myers or Jason, and turns out to be a flying monster!! As soon as I discovered this I lost all interest in the film. Its like saying Michael Myers is really from Mars. And to say it was a twist to the film is laughable. Maybe I didn't like this film because of the pre-release hype it had recieved. Overall I really despised this film and the only good thing about it was the addictive 'Jeepers Creepers song'! I give it 1/5 because it did have the odd tense moment.
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