Jackass (2000– )
JACKASS IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
31 July 2002
What can I say JACKASS is just damn hilarious, some people, like say my parents may find it down right stupid and well, they're probably not wrong but its still really funny and a cool programme and if people like entertaining people by doing stupid and down right painful things then its up to them.... Johnny Knoxville is the best he may not be the best of actors like Elijah wood!!! But I admire him just as much as I think Elijah wood is cute and that's a lot, anyway Knoxville is my idol I think he's really cool for doing all that stuff, and the other guys on the show too. I don't know if I should call him brave because he doesn't have to do this stuff, then again does that mean he is.... forget that, not brave like say Dave Pelzer (a child called it), but another kind. Well, apart from F.R.I.E.N.D.S and Buffy JACKASS comes next in my favourite programmes list!!!!!!!!

10 out of 10

14 years old

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