5 January 2004
This is not one of the best TV movies I've ever seen, but it isn't hateful. The acting of Kiera Knightley was excellent, as was Stuart Wilson(Robin Hood) and Crispin Letts (Will Scarlett). Most of the others were pretty terrible, but that's forgiving. The script needed a bit of a touch up in places, but I don't think there is even one line of Robin's that I didn't like. "You have egg in your beard..." he says to Prince John.

The one thing that really bothered me in this movie was the sword fights. They looked as if these extras coordinated them on their own, and had about an hour to practice. They have no speed, no feeling, and I imagine that Bob Anderson would have had a fit with these.

Apart from the sword fighting (and that annoying Pope near the end...), nothing really bothered me about this movie. If you're looking for something to watch while holding the hand of your date, avoid this movie at all cost. If you're baby-sitting several kids, or are just bored out of your mind, this movie is flawless. Other than that, it seems to be just average. I've seen better, but I've seen much worse *cough*Attack of the Clones*cough*
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