A chick flick that takes the high road
13 June 2002
As one of four males that was forced to see the Ya-Ya's I knew I was in serious trouble. This is the first time I have ever been in a theatre and it smelled "nice".

Sans the female audience, The Devine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisters turns out to be a well written script that mixes some light comedy with dark subject matter. History is left to the poets and sometimes they get it wrong. The Ya-Ya sisters teach a quick lesson in slide of hand as the things we believe growing up are very different that what actually happened.

Normally I like to write longer reviews but this is one of those rare movies that would be too easy to spoil trying to describe the movie or the characters. Suffice it to say that each character brings a special value to the screen and ultimately we end on the high road, not the Hollywood road for movie production. This is no oscar movie but if your tired of explosions and superheros, then here is this summers refreshing break at the movies. Just don't forget to have you husband sit by you with the Klinex.
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