Review of Signs

Signs (2002)
How can the creator of Sixth Sense make a movie this bad?
30 May 2003
This is the second Shyamalan movie I've seen, after Sixth Sense. That was a good movie - this isn't. The two movies are literally the exact opposite of each other. Where Sixth Sense is clever, unpredictable and intense, Signs is patronising, condescending, thoroughly predictable and painfully slow.

Realistically, the plot of this movie should have consumed no more than about ten minutes, and was padded out with scenes that wanted so badly to be suspenseful - but weren't. That was probably partly to do with the weak plot, but equally to do with the laughably bad special effects, that belonged in a 1970s movie.

I wanted so well to like this after being so impressed with Shyamalan's past work. I couldn't like it, because it was a mediocre, wishy-washy movie made even worse by the hype that preceded it.

Don't waste your time - any B movie running on cable for free is likely to be as good, if not better.
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