What Exactly Was The Point Of This Movie?
31 March 2003
Personal Velocity is about these three woman who are each faced to make a big decision. In the first story there is Delia(Kyra Sedgwick)who gets constantly beaten up by her abusive husband and even though she loves him she takes her children and leaves him. In the second story there is Greta(Parker Posey)a woman with a successful career and a nice loving husband but she isn't happy and satisfied inside and finds herself constantly cheating on him. Finally, in the third story there is Paula(Fairuza Balk)a woman that has ran away from home and picks up a abused young hitchhiker. Okay, i get it, this story is all about these woman with some kind of problems but what exactly was this movie trying to say to it's audience, trying to teach us? What exactly was the point? The acting though was very powerful and strong by all three actresses. I would give Personal Velocity 6/10
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