Alright, "upon rehearing" as in court decisions . . .
19 July 2004
perhaps I was just a mite harsh. Part of my "problem" is there is SO much science fiction to-day as opposed to when I was young, well, one becomes stuffy.

Yes, it was spectacular as they tried for an epic. I was unaware there was a previous story which so many of you liked, and apparently RIDDICK was trying to "do it up brown." Yes, as a European commentator said, there was analogy to 20th century nihilistic totalitarianisms. I also assert there is nothing wrong with "escapism," in fact most of literature great and not so great is just that.

What I insist was hackneyed and tiresome were the cardboard characters and ginned up "action," the only way to keep Generation Y awake in their seats. There are not the most focused people, none yet beyond teen-agers, so movies must imitate their computer games to gain an audience.

Perhaps I should see the prior film. I will certainly not see the third of this series. The mountainous dude in black baggy pants with the comic book lines and the naked theft from Ridley Scott and the lithe, super-resourceful heroine . . . quite enough thanks.
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