unfunny but watchable
3 June 2004
Its take on humour is laboured and contrived, which thrived on the absurdist and repetitive but ultimately running dry. It is so repetitive that the movie can be better employed as a language course in Cantonese. It is best illustrated in the the long and dreary sequences involving some calf muscles, or was it turkey calf muscles, spinning round and round in turnkeys.....

Having said that, its take on a coming-of-age and mother love story is more commendable despite its flaws. Having opening scene ripped off from Forrest Gump, I feared the worst for McDull. I feared the story would disneyfied (is there such a word? maybe degenerate wld suffice) into a feel good show, where everything grim and sad would suddenly turn gold, as if by magic. Here, we are not treated with a magic show, but with the reality of a mother's devoted love to her not-too-bright son and their struggles in life against a not-too-caring and unforgiving world.

In addition, its visuals were innovative. The fusion of cutesy cartoon and reality photography help to create a believable McDull universe in which animals and humans share their disillusioned lives together in a claustrophobic urban jungle which is more commonly known as Hong Kong in our universe.
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