Review of Northfork

Northfork (2003)
Please understand . . .
2 August 2003
I see a number of "off beat" films for one who does not live in one of the cultural poles or a university town. The term of art nowadays is "indie." So unsophisticated am I that "indie" left me initially mystified. Please know too that I am not some attention challenged specimen of Gen X -- or worse Y -- who needs steamy sex, car chases, and multi-coloured phantasmagoria to make me part with the price of admission.

Drawn to NORTHFORK on slender knowledge but an interest in the purported subject, I was left ossified with boredom, annoyed with the patent attempts, mostly successful, to "weird me out," and the anti-colour whilst filming in colour for exaggerated effect. One should not dismiss the beautiful relationship between priest and sick boy for its instructional value. (Nolte, fine actor, needed a haircut desperately for 1955, if you please.) That plot line aside, the rest could politely called "surreal," but as I said upon arriving home, "I would give my worst enemy my life savings to shoot me in the head, rather than see this film again."

Perhaps if I watched again . . . slowly . . . it might yield more as second viewings often do. See the paragraph above, however. Sorry if I gave offense. We need more films without Bruce Willis or the like.
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