7 January 2004
This is awesome, recently discovered this show. Not living in the UK and not watching much TV for that matter I never heard of this show, in spite of the fact that I price myself of being Denmark's #1 Rik Mayall fan!

Well...this show is hilarious...as always when Mayall touches something, to me this guy cannot possibly fail..

Like "Bottom" (1991) (qv) in many ways reminds you of "Young Ones, The" (1982) (qv) (or for that matter, the, to me, greatly underestimated and forgotten "Filthy Rich & Catflap" (1987) (qv)), this show reminds me a whole lot of "New Statesman, The" (1987) (qv) in which Mayall stars as Alan B'Stard - it's not the same character, but as in all his previous role fascism shines through, in a very distinguished (read: NOT AT ALL!) way..

I definately recommend this show if you found his previous shows laughable. This will tear you up just as much!
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