23 April 2004
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILER!!!! I don't understand how any film maker could let it slide. I don't understand how any producer could let it go. I don't understand how any audience member could accept it.....WHY DID A**HOLE STIFLER GET THE GIRL IN THE END??? That doesn't make any sense! Poor Finchy gets treated to an ending almost exactly like the one in Pie 2!! Stifler's mom shows up out of nowhere and gives him a happy(?)cop-out ending??? Am I the only one that wanted Finch to get the girl?

What does this teach the horny teenage boys watching? The bigger prick you are the more likely you'll be to get the girl? And "apparently" young women are too stupid to see through this! Insulting all around.

Next...why wouldn't Jim use the garbage for his trimmings? Does he also cross an entire other room to throw other bathroom "refuse" out the window? I get that it wouldn't be a joke without the window...it was just poorly thought out... The first American Pie movie was fun. The second more of the same, but okay....the third was INSULTING CRAP!!
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