This was actually taped in 1983...
25 November 2002
I remember it so well- I became fascinated with Egyptian culture after watching it. I was eight years old at the time and just watched it for the first time since 1983 last night with my daughter (borrowed it from the public library). I was shocked to find I even remembered the melody and some of the words to "You're gonna be a star", after only seeing it two times back in 1983 (they aired it twice back then, once in the daytime and once in prime time)! That's how much I loved this movie.

Anyway, I was surprised to see it in so many listings as being made in 1987. That may well have been the year the *video* was put out there, but the original tape was aired on PBS in '83. I know that well because I remember clearly that I was in the third grade and we all talked about it in history class. Also, there is a timeline that corroborates this observation of mine.

Great movie! My three-year-old loved it too, even though this was pre-Elmo, Zoe, and all that. The other funny thing was that it was before everyone knew Snuffy was real. I had forgotten that for a long time, no one believed Snuffalupagus existed and thought he was Big Bird's imaginary friend.

Great memories...
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