Review of Captain V

Comedy Lab: Captain V (2002)
Season 5, Episode 3
19 May 2003
...which is something of a problem for a show that professes to be a comedy. In actual fact, Captain V seems mostly to be a spoof of low-budget Canadian sci-fi show Lexx. The captain is dressed identically, there's a talking robot head (though it's attached to a body here), and most of the effects seem to be deliberately similar, though even lower in budget. What the show lacks however, is even a fraction of the comedy that it's supposedly 'straight' parent show has. And to have a spoof that is less funny than the show it's spoofing is to not really have a spoof at all. Maybe. It probably doesn't help that very few people will actually have heard of the show it is so clearly trying to laugh at. Might be best to just leave it alone then.
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