Review of The Terminal

The Terminal (2004)
One of Spielberg's and Hanks' finest hours
15 June 2004


If Charlie Chaplin was still alive and creating, it's easy to imagine

him making a light comedy as richly satisfying as "The Terminal."

Just as Chaplin used to take a prop and wring every possible gag

out of it, Steven Spielberg's prop is a New York airport terminal

from which he extracts every story possibility. And Spielberg's

Chaplin is Tom Hanks, who takes a potentially show-offy, Meryl

Streep-type role and turns it into a movie character for the ages.= Hanks' role is Viktor Navorski, a European immigrant who

becomes a modern-day "man without a country" when his native

land gets embroiled in a revolution. Viktor can't return home

because his country is under siege, and he can't legally enter New

York until his country's new leadership is recognized by the U.S.

So Viktor has no choice but to live in the terminal--much to the

consternation of Frank Dixon (Stanley Tucci), whose chances of

becoming the terminal's top dog are jeopardized by Viktor's

constantly being under foot.= The movie's premise is laid out pretty flatly in the first ten minutes,

which begins to sink one's hopes. But it's as though Spielberg

wants to get the mandatory stuff out of the way quickly so he can

explore all of the possibilities in his huge playtoy. And he spins

Viktor through every facet of the terminal like a colorful top,

involving the terminal's quirky workers in his meager existence.= In that sense, "The Terminal" is a lot like "Being There" (1979),

where Peter Sellers played an illiterate simpleton on whom

politicians projected their needs and desires. But Hanks is far

from a blank slate. His body language, physical comedy, and

deceptively simple dialogue speak volumes. Chaplin regretted

having to give up silent movies because he felt that his "Little

Tramp" could not express himself uniquely with sound. I think

something like "The Terminal" would have been an effective

solution.= That's not to belittle Hanks' winning co-stars, especially Catherine

Zeta-Jones as Viktor's potential love interest and Chi McBride as

one of Viktor's many supporters. They all give Spielberg's work the

sheen of a big, beautiful dream.=
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