THIS is America
4 July 2004
In a world that seems so cynical, so jaded, this film shows why America is and has been different than any other country in the world. The film doesn't need chase scenes, it doesn't need sex, it doesn't need to probe the pores on a man's skin to try to find the flaws. What it should do, is to help us remember that this is the ONE AND ONLY country in which you can follow your dreams, whatever, they may be and you have a chance, a good chance, to fulfill them.

Some reviewers want to see the warts. Why? Obsticles are what get in the way when you take your eye off the goal. Michael Moore films are what you get when you hate your own country, all the people in it and are only capable of telling half-truths. Quit whining, quit asking others to do everything for you, get some of that old fashioned American guts and optimism. Get off the couch and follow your dreams, you can do that. Europeans (and others) can't.
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