The Days (2004)
Aside from my headaches and seizures, it was okay
27 July 2004
This show has a good premise--typically screwed up American family. They appear pretty together, until you realize they are coming completely unraveled. The show's acting is not AS horrible as some of the other shows on TV (Are you listening, OC???) but it isn't anything to write home about either. The single outstanding feature is the camera work--and its not outstanding in a good way. Watching the show made me motion sick--not an ideal quality in a television program. The camera moves constantly, pulling in for WAY too close-ups, then pulls out and readjusts three or four times a second. It's absolutely awful. The pacing is off because of the camera work; it constantly seems like everything the character is saying is Shocking or Very Grave. If they would work on that, I'd watch it again.
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