The Days (2004)
All Kinds of Crappy
6 August 2004
This is an ineptly-written series developed by people who -- I'm assuming -- have absolutely no experience with the subject matter that they show. There are so many TV clichés that pop up here... For instance, in ONE EPISODE: The daughter gets pregnant, the middle child (smart-allecky, of course) beats up the jock who got her pregnant, the youngest child fakes a panic attack to get attention from a girl, the jock tells the daughter to get an abortion, the mother learns she's pregnant, and the father quits his soul-sucking job as a corporate whatever and decides he wants to teach high school. I kid you not, this all happened in ONE EPISODE!! Not even one episode -- ONE AFTERNOON!!

This show is ridiculous, by any and every stretch of the word, and feels like it's pretty much assembled by spare prime-time drama parts. It bites harder than Oprah at a Hickory Farms clearance sale.
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