D.W. Griffith's "Broken Blossoms".
8 October 2004
Broken Blossoms (1919) is a sad tale about a Chinese man who falls for a down trodden girl. The poor guy does everything he can to cheer up the

girl. Her mean father and a nosy man put a wrench into the budding

relationship between the girl and the Chinese man. Beautifully shot and

very well acted. D.W. Griffith has taken a lot of flack for Birth Of A

Nation because of it's racial content and depictions (despite the fact the

movie is a work of art). Sadly in this film Mr. Griffith still uses white

actors in the roles of ethnic characters (but it's not as overtly

stereotypical). The main character plays his role with such emotion and

heartfelt angst. I enjoyed this movie very much. If you're a fan of silent

cinema I'm sure you'll appreciate this film as well as I did.


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