The Fast Lady (1962)
A wonderful old comedy. Hugely under-rated.
14 October 2004
Here's a true story. back in 1996 I worked as a prison Officer. I was just about to leave the coffee-room one afternoon when The Fast Lady came on TV, so I decided to watch it "just for a few minutes". After a short while a co-worker came in and he ended up joining me. Then 2 electricians passed by and also sat down "just for a minute". Then some inmates came in to use the bathroom and also became glued to the screen, etc etc. By the time the movie ended there must've been 20 of us all laughing like idiots, until a furious governor stormed in and wanted to know what the &%$@ was going on. The Fast Lady is THAT funny. It's a classic slapstick farce. Murdoch Troon (Stanley Baxter) is a shy Scotsman from a rigid moralistic background, working in England. He's passionate about cycling until he meets a beautiful girl (played by the gorgeous Julie Christie) and falls in love with her. She's equally attracted to him. Just one problem; her wealthy/disciplinarian father owns a sports car firm, HATES cyclists (especially Troon) and won't let Murdoch take her out until he passes the driving test. Enter Troon's slippery friend, a used car salesman desperate for commission, who promises to teach him to drive if he buys "The Fast Lady", an old sports car he's anxious to get rid of. The casting of this film is near-perfect. No one ever played an autocratic tycoon quite as hilariously as the wonderful James Robertson-Justice, Lesley (ding dong!) Phillips was born to play a used car salesman with an eye for the ladies, Stanley Baxter is the ultimate comedy-Scotsman & Julie Christie? All I can say is, WOW. She was stunning. As in all the best farces this film starts quietly and then gradually moves the pace up and up until the frantic side-splitting finale. You'll have to watch it yourself to see what I mean. let's just say, no one EVER had a driving test quite like Murdoch Troon. The Fast Lady delightfully pokes fun at the British class system and figures of minor authority (traffic cops and driving examiners) and the recurring theme tune is about the most 'catchy' I've ever heard. So, if it's ever on TV again, I'd advise you to watch it. You'll laugh throughout and be left with a nice warm feeling by the end.
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