Soapy But Great Southern Melodrama
9 November 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I remember seeing (and taping) this movie off of Superchannel one night. It was part of a "Natalie Wood Double Feature", and it was followed by "Love With The Proper Stranger", and, being a die-hard fan of her, I wasn't about to pass this one up.

This film seems, initially, as a soapy, over-the-top, melodramatic feature like many movies of the time. However, if you can overlook the flaws, you will find it very interesting and rewarding. The original attraction of this movie was, for me, the early on-screen teaming of real-life couple Natalie Wood and Robert Wagner. Wood was apparently worried as to whether Wagner could handle a dramatic role, and in retrospect she was justified in that concern. Wagner is more of a personality than an actor, and his performance as the sullen musician comes across as stiff. And Wood's southern accent can be distracting at times - her pronunciation of her lover's name, "Chaad" can get a bit grating! That aside, the most interesting aspects of the story happen later, after Sarah/Salome becomes pregnant by Chad, leaves her overbearing, zealous-nut father and her stifling, confining home life and meets up with Tony McDowall.

Her vulnerability and his love for her helped sustain my interest, as did the character of Catherine, Tony's spoiled, bored and man-hungry sister. Pearl Bailey also scores points for her portrayal of the down-on-her-luck, boozing blues singer Ruby Jones. In fact, Wagner's Chad has the best relationship and chemistry with her. When Chad reappears in Salome's life, of course that adds to the tension within the plot. After a while, though, I couldn't understand how Salome could still tolerate him (especially when he marries Catherine out of spite), and I don't get why Tony didn't suspect that the baby was not his (ever think of doing the math, Tone?) The character of Tony, for me, is one of the most sympathetic. His love and concern for Salome, his devotion to Catherine and to little Peter, makes him much more emotionally reachable.(Why didn't Salome realize that she loved him earlier?). Chad only speaks of Peter as if the boy is his property, and doesn't seem to care about his welfare, only revenge on Salome. Granted, she should have told him that she married someone else and that she was passing off the child as her husband's. You can almost feel Salome's longing for Chad, but I don't know how she could pine for him with Tony lying right next to her! When it comes right down to it, I couldn't tear myself away, even now, a few years later after I first saw it, it has some sentimental value. I was already a fan of Natalie, but I barely knew George Hamilton existed before - although was interested after! - and I developed a great respect not only for Wood but also Susan Kohner, who deserved a longer career. Fun little bit of trivia : Susan Kohner and George Hamilton were engaged for a brief time. The music makes the moody, longing tone of the film - in fact, it's one of the highlights. And if you enjoyed it, see the 1959 version of "Imitation Of Life" starring Lana Turner, Sandra Dee, John Gavin and Susan Kohner. I recommend "All The Fine Young Cannibals" to adventurous viewers who are willing to take the risk. See if you can tear your eyes away!
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