It is a movie about crossing over after death
15 November 2004
Tommy Lee Jones' act of blowing up the bridge is an effort to break the attachment Eliza's spirit is still having to this world. Viewers are thus advised not to take this movie literally. I have read the credits and this casting is international. This is a movie that may have been nominated to compete in Cannes Film Festival in its times. It is full of symbolism and its allegoric imagery sometimes gets the viewer confused. First, this not a sequential movie. The main character remembers how she died raped and killed near a river. Her younger brother probably died in the same place and these memories are very repressed in her memory of the life she just ended. All the characters in the movie are only trying to wake her up to her new state of being using the things she believes like astrology. Those shoes she keeps in that wooden box are her dead relatives. There is no one else in this world waiting for her. There are clues even at the end of the movie when the fat dead guy hands her a piece of the Geronimo poster with Tommy's last message: "I got tired of waiting for you so I'll meet you in the sun." Tommy crossed over but she decided to cling to a world that no longer belongs to her. That is how the movie ends. She is not ready to cross over. It took me a while to understand it but it is very clear now.
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