Me & Mrs Jones (2002 TV Movie)
Even high players in politics remain humans
21 November 2004
Not a great movie,sort of comedy with some drama-like developments and a plot containing certain exaggerated events not happening in reality..but it's fiction ,the script writer wants to make us laughing and exaggerates somewhat(like breaches of security not possible in today's dangerous world at such high levels,as well as a love story not possible under given circumstances!).

To be retained from this story,is shown power of the press making its way successfully into highly guarded political environment,in search of "victims" which could sell their tabloids.

Also that ,even a Prime Minister,regardless if a woman or a man,remains human,with daily problems facing normal people,such as grief,happiness, and a possible secret love life,The message is,we remain humans,notwithstanding our social position,as high as it might be.This I consider the real message of this movie,saving a comedy which otherwise could be quickly forgotten about.
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