Why exporting culture doesn't always work
23 November 2004
Apparently this show was a huge hit among a wide audience in Japan. Well, after watching it on Adult Swim, myself and millions of other Americans don't quite get it, and never will.

Why? You can't take a show called Super Milk-chan to the United States and expect people to enjoy it just like that. It's too weird - that's just not how things work. Super Milk-chan is very strange, and I can't even understand why it's a hit in Japan. I doubt if they screened this before an American audience before letting it hit the TV, because I honestly haven't met one soul who derives happiness out of watching it.

If you're thinking this is like anime, you're thinking wrong. Super Milk-chan has no interesting characters, no plot, no story, no direction, and no potential for capitalist marketing or a card game. Sorry to burst your bubble, but just because you like anime doesn't mean you'll like this show. Heck, I like anime and this is the worst show I've ever seen.

The exportation of Japanese culture to America has reached its limit at Super Milk-chan. If you're like me and reside in the Western Hemisphere, you're better off avoiding this one.
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