Just not funny
28 November 2004
I wanted to like this show. I saw the ads, all of the bright, goofy characters. It looked like something I'd usually enjoy. After watching it though, I was highly disappointed. It just wasn't funny. Maybe it's because I'm not from Japan, but the humor just doesn't work. There are times when you can tell the show is making a joke, but I've never laughed once ever. That's the worst kind of miss as well. I've seen every episode aired so far just because I haven't gotten around to changing the channel, but every time, it feels forced. Milk-Chan herself is just irritating. The swearing seems like it's just there because they can. In fact, every character is just annoying. The worst is when they keep doing the unfunny joke over and over. Such as Milk talking on the phone with the president. He just kept pounding on the desk. Over, and over, and over. It got so irritating so fast. The more I write this, the more I hate this show. Give it a shot yourself, I guess, but don't expect anything.
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