Everything that is good about indie films
30 November 2004
Although I have some difficulty with aspects of reviews of this film that I have read (where they posit that Albert has essentially turned the tables fully on all of his tormentors), I cannot disagree with what seems to be the consensus: that this is a film that has been put together with admirable care and dedication (witness the long gestation period from first buying of script to beginning shooting to ending shooting), with great results. Troy Garrity is great as the lead, and Bruce Dern was terrific as mr McNally, and with so little screen time at his disposal. Randy Quaid is good, but has the easiest job, I think. being slimy, with that tan, that jacket and that 'tache, was never going to be too hard. What is best about this film is that the cast is mostly unknown, (or in some cases forgotten about) at least in the UK, which allows you to concentrate on the narrative and the emotions of the piece. This is a natural bonus of being a small, indie film. But it also allows things like the closing shot of the fishermen walking across the snow, which lasts for such a long time. How would you get away with that in the mainstream ? The story is of a small-time con, set in a small town, generally a call for two or three big stars to act as trailer trash and show their comedic skills. Such movies always come off as fake and slightly condescending. None of the same is true here. This film feels honest and tender. Congratulations to all involved and to the NFT for bringing it to these shores.
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